Second Tigerair Taiwan flight attendant confirmed with measles

Taiwan News  
Date: 2018/04/04
By:  Central News Agency

Taipei (CNA) – A second case of measles has been confirmed among flight attendants

Up to 1,000 people might have been in contact with two Tigerair Taiwan flight attendants diagnosed with measles. (By Wikimedia Commons)

working for budget airline Tigerair Taiwan, raising concern for the passengers on the six flights the second victim worked on after contracting the virus.

Deputy Director-General Chuang Jen-hsiang of Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported on Wednesday a new imported case of measles contracted by a female flight attendant in her 20s who works for Tigerair Taiwan.

On March 17, the steward who was the first reported case of measles and the stewardess came into contact with a 30-year old Taiwanese man who contracted measles in Thailand and flew to Okinawa in Japan where he was treated.

The steward, in his 30s, was confirmed to have contracted the disease on April 3. He was put under quarantine on April 2, according to Tigerair Taiwan.    [FULL  STORY]

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