Self-service garbage collection system demonstrated in Taipei

A test version of the iTrash system has been installed in Taipei’s Zhongzheng Dist.

Taiwan News
Date: 2018/08/20
By:  Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — TThe common scene of people chasing a

The i-Trash system (Screen capture from i-Trash Smart City facebook page)

garbage truck on the street after they hear the melody of “A Maiden’s Prayer” approaching their houses might be a thing of the past as the Taipei city government has begun to experiment with a self-service garbage collection system, i-Trash.

The cost of dumping waste through the system provided by the iTrash Smart City is calculated by the weight of garbage. Five-hundred grams of general garbage costs NT$4 (US$0.13), but designated garbage bags issued by the city government are not required.

Yet recycling will be rewarded with humble reimbursement. People who recycle 10 plastic bottles or eight aluminum cans will get NT$1 (US$0.03) back. All transactions and reimbursement are done with the EasyCard or similar smart cards.

Chen Hui-min (陳慧敏), an official from Taipei City’s Department of Information Technology, said the service provider is testing the i-Trash system in a community on Linyi Street, in Zhongzheng District. It will continue the demo process with two other locations later this year and is hoping to expand the trial next year, said Chen.    [FULL  STORY]

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