Seminar on regional energy resource management under way

Radiio Taiwan International
Date: 20 November, 2019
By: Paula Chao

AIT director William Brent Christensen (3rd from the right) attended the opening ceremony of the seminar. (CNA photo)

A seminar on the sound management of energy resources in the Asia Pacific region is under way in Taipei.  

The seminar aims to promote regional cooperation in the management of energy resources.  It is being held under the aegis of the Global Cooperation and Training Framework, a joint initiative by Taiwan, the US, Japan, and Australia.

At the opening ceremony, American Institute in Taiwan director William Brent Christensen said Taiwan is a reliable partner. He said that with its expertise, Taiwan will make contributions in areas that include the management of energy resources.

Christensen talked about regional cooperation.    [FULL  STORY]

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