Taiwan News
Date: 2018/06/24
By George Liao, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News)—For 19 years, Gu Jin-ju (辜錦菊) has taken care of eight
young children who were deprived of appropriate support and care, but as she has been 65 years old, she has successfully passed the baton to her son after having encouraged him to join the big family of foster families, according to a CNA report on June 20.
The home of Gu and her husband is the longest-running foster family in Taitung, the report said.
Gu, who is still taking care of two foster children, said the youngest foster child she had ever cared for was a 10-month-old baby girl, who stayed with Gu’s family until two years ago when she was 16, the longest among all foster children who came to stay with Gu’s family, according to the report.
The baby’s father died from an illness and her mother fell ill when she was just 10 months old, Gu said, adding that she had never thought she would stay for 16 years and when she left, “My tears were falling down like a faucet and I couldn’t hold them back,” the report said. [FULL STORY]