The China Post
Date: October 12, 2016
By: Yuan-Ming Chiao
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan on Tuesday apologized for phrases regarded as disrespectful toward the nation’s indigenous peoples made by a presenter during Monday’s National Day festivities in front of the presidential palace.
An emcee used the phrase “Mrs. Shao punched in, a brother bathing in the morning, (went) running away scared” (邵太太打卡,阿薩不魯哥,被嚇得跑走啦) when introducing aboriginal tribes at the event. The phrase was a mnemonic device used for remembering the names Taiwan’s 16 aboriginal tribes.
The phrase triggered anger and accusations of discrimination toward indigenous people. The Indigenous Youth Front (IYF) posted a recording of the video that triggered an angry response from netizens.
One wrote: “If your teacher introduced you to the classroom by saying, ‘this is Billy, his name starts with B, B as in bastard. I’m sure people would remember your name, but how would you feel?'” (note: the original Chinese phrase used the surname Wang and an accompanying equivalent). [FULL STORY]