Stanton worried about Trump-Xi meet

LACK OF ATTENTION:The former AIT director said on the sidelines of a Taipei forum that he did not know if Donald Trump was ‘ready’ to meet his Chinese counterpart

Taipei Times
Date: Mar 27, 2017
By: Stacy Hsu / Staff reporter

US President Donald Trump’s unpredictability makes him “kind of afraid” of what might

From left, former deputy minister of foreign affairs Michael Kau, National Sun Yat-sen University professor Lin Wen-cheng and former American Institute in Taiwan director William Stanton, yesterday sit on a panel at a forum in Taipei hosted by the Taiwan Forever Association and the International Committee for a Democratic Taiwan. Photo: Huang Yao-cheng, Taipei Times

happen if Trump’s reported meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) next month in the US occurs, former American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) director William Stanton said yesterday.

Stanton, who led the AIT’s Taipei office from 2009 to 2012 during then-US president Barack Obama’s presidency, spoke to reporters in Mandarin on the sidelines of a forum in Taipei about Taiwan’s strategic planning during Trump’s term in office.

The forum was hosted by the Taiwan Forever Association and the International Committee for a Democratic Taiwan, and Stanton was one of the panelists.

While it is hard to predict what Trump and Xi would talk about when they meet, many political analysts have noticed the new US president’s inclination to pay little attention to policy issues during his meetings with foreign heads of state, Stanton said.

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