TAKING TO THE STREETS:The students warned that should the Ministry of Education fail to revise its changes to curriculum guidelines, they would organize larger protests
Taipei Times
Date: Jun 16, 2015
By: You Pei-ju and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with Staff writer
Scores of student organizations from various high schools in Taipei staged their first flash protest at

Members of the Northern Taiwan Anti-Curriculum Changes Alliance yesterday afternoon stage a flash protest at the Taipei First Girls’ Senior High School in the hope of drawing more public attention to their opposition to the Ministry of Education’s changes to high-school curriculum guidelines. Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times.
the Taipei First Girls’ Senior High School yesterday in the hope of drawing more public attention to the issue of their opposition to the Ministry of Education’s controversial changes to the high-school curriculum guidelines.
Northern Taiwan Anti Curriculum Changes Alliance spokesman Chu Chen (朱震), a student at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, criticized the process under which the ministry decided to adjust the high-school curriculum guidelines as overly rash and hasty, saying that even the Taipei High Administrative Court had ruled that the ministry had broken the law.
Chu was referring to the Feb. 12 High Administrative Court ruling that the ministry must make its information more transparent and complete for public scrutiny.
If the ministry does not change its mind and insists on implementing the changes in August, the students’ demonstrations would continue, Chu said, adding that students would hold talks and seminars, and work with their peers in central and southern Taiwan to organize larger demonstrations next month. [FULL STORY]