The China Post
Date: December 24, 2016
By: Sun Hsin Hsuan
TAIPEI, Taiwan — “The best way to prepare for a second term is to get every day’s job done
beautifully,” Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) said on Friday following his announcement to run for a reelection in 2018.
Responding to a survey indicating that 50 percent of Taipei citizens opposed his reelection, Ko said, “If half of the citizens are opposed, that means there’s still half of them in favor.”
The comment came after Ko announced that he intended to serve eight years as Taipei mayor, during which he would seek to “nourish culture in people’s minds and propagate that across the nation.”
“After eight years, I’d be 63, and that should be about the right time to retire,” he joked on Friday.
Kuomintang (KMT) city councilors released a survey on Friday showing that 42.2 percent of 1,083 respondents were satisfied with Ko’s performance so far, while 49.7 were unsatisfied. [FULL STORY]