Taipei photo event backs Hong Kong’s protesters

Taipei Times
Date: Aug 12, 2019
By: Shelley Shan  /  Staff reporter

About 300 people took part in a demonstration in support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong,

About 300 people form the words “Free Hong Kong” at an event organized by several non-governmental organizations in Taipei’s Central Art Park yesterday.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

spelling out the words “Free Hong Kong” with their bodies in Taipei’s Central Art Park.

The event was organized by Hong Kong Outlanders, the Taiwan Youth Association for Democracy, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Taiwan Citizen Front, Covenants Watch, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and several human rights groups.

In addition to the words, an image of Taiwan and one of “Raincoat Man” — honoring Marco Leung (梁凌杰), a Hong Konger who died on June 15 wearing a yellow rain poncho after falling from construction scaffolding in front of Pacific Place in the Admiralty district while hanging protest banners, were displayed.

The image shows that the public in Taiwan fully supports the people in Hong Kong in their pursuit of freedom, democracy and the rule of law, the organizers said.    [FULL  STORY]

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