Taiwan-based Compal remains largest notebook computer assembler worldwide in Q2

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/09/23
By:  Central News Agency

Taiwan-based Compal Electronics Inc. remained the world's largest notebook computer assembler in

(CNA photo)

the second quarter, according to a report released by market information advisory firm International Data Inc. (IDC).

Compal's shipments accounted for 30.5 percent of the global notebook computer assembly market during the April-June period, up from 26.0 percent in the previous quarter, the IDC report said.

According to IDC, a total of 39.70 million notebook computers were rolled out by notebook computer assemblers during the quarter, up 11.4 percent from a quarter earlier, translating to about 12.11 million units assembled by Compal during the period.

IDC said Taiwan-based contractors, which mainly manufacture their products in China, accounted for 82.3 percent of the global notebook assembly market in the second quarter.   [FULL  STORY]

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