Taiwan Cabinet urges NTU to restart selection process for new president

Taiwan News  
Date: 2018/05/11
By:  Central News Agency

Taipei (CNA) – The Cabinet expressed its hope on Friday that National Taiwan University

Students at NTU calling for a solution to the college’s leadership problem. (By Central News Agency)

(NTU) will restart the process to select a new president and not let the multiple contentious issues that have arisen following the NTU Selection Committee’s election of Kuan Chung-ming, who the government refuses to accept, slow down its trajectory toward progress and advancement.

Cabinet spokesman Hsu Kuo-yung said that NTU should move forward on the matter now the Ministry of Education has sent an official letter to the university asking it to remedy and then restart the selection process.

Hsu addressed criticisms of the government’s focus on alleged flaws in the process used to elect Kuan.

He noted that multiple regulations and principles, including an amendment to NTU’s own rules allowing its professors and administrators to simultaneously work in the private sector, require the university to sign an industry-academia collaboration agreement and give written consent before an individual can assume a position at a private company.

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