The News Lens
Date: 2016/04/25
On April 20, nearly 30 Taiwanese animal protection groups gathered to push for an amendment to the domestic Animal Protection Act. If the legislature passes the amendment, animal cruelty offenders might face jail terms of more than a year.
The Association of Taiwan Tree-huggers, Tawian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Animal Protection Association of the Republic of China, along with other animal protection groups, have launched a petition for a revision of the current Animal Protection Act.
As of April 21, more than 50,000 people have signed the petition. The campaign organizers hope to garner 300,000 signatures to put the amendment proposal on the agenda of the legislature.
Pan Han-shen, director of Taiwan Tree-huggers, states that they will propose an amendment draft to Article 25 of the Animal Protection Act before the end of April. The amendment will divide offenders into three categories, including pet owners, non-pet owners and people who kill animals for commercial use or food. [FULL STORY]