MEDIA FREEDOM: The president of the International Federation of Journalists has said the WHO’s decision not to accredit Taiwanese journalists is ‘unacceptable’
Taipei Times
Date: May 22, 2018
By: Staff writer, with CNA
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a stern protest over the WHO’s decision to deny
Taiwanese news outlets access to the World Health Assembly (WHA), the annual meeting of its decisionmaking body that opened yesterday in Geneva, Switzerland, calling on the WHO to respect press freedom.
The ministry issued a statement protesting and condemning the UN body’s decision not to grant media accreditation to journalists from Taiwan.
It also called on WHO member countries and international media to demand that the WHO respect and protect press freedom, adding that the organization is serving China’s political objectives by depriving Taiwanese journalists of their right to cover news.
It is the second year in a row that Taiwan has failed to obtain an invitation to the WHA due to China’s obstruction, the ministry said. [FULL STORY]