Taiwan defends its fight against intellectual piracy

The laws and fines are in place for an efficient fight against IPR piracy: MOEA 

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/04/28
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Taiwan had taken all necessary measures to face down online

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. (By Associated Press)

intellectual property rights piracy by introducing laws and taking action, the Ministry of Economic Affairs said Saturday in response to the latest Special 301 Report by the United States Trade Representative.

The annual report said there was still “rampant piracy” in Taiwan due to the use of illicit streaming devices (ISD), even though the country had not been on its watch list since 2009, the Central News Agency reported.

The Intellectual Property Office (智財局) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs said all the necessary laws to combat the illegal practices had been approved, as well as punishments and fines which could be applied.

If illegally copied material was being broadcast over social networks and websites such as Facebook or YouTube, it was sufficient to report it to the sites and in 95 percent of cases, the material would be removed, CNA reported the office as saying.

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