Taiwan does not need a populist president

Hon Hai tycoon Terry Gou denies presidential plans for 2020

Taiwan News
Date: 2016/11/17
By: Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Brash populist Donald Trump has only been elected president of the United States for a week, but

(By Central News Agency)

(By Central News Agency)

media in other countries have already started looking for their own version of a populist leader.

Even though Taiwan just elected its first woman president ten months ago, Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Chairman Terry Gou has been identified as the potential local version of the next White House occupant.

According to Next Magazine, as the stunning results trickled in on November 9, Gou called a meeting of his top company executives, not merely to discuss the impact of the Trump victory on his business interests, but to sense whether he would be able to make it as a candidate in Taiwan’s 2020 presidential election.

On Thursday, the 66-year-old tycoon quashed the reports, describing them as “nonsense.” At the time he was supposed to be chairing the meeting at the group’s New Taipei City headquarters according to the magazine story, he was actually traveling overseas, Gou said at a conference in China Thursday.    [FULL  STORY]

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