More than 4,500 kilos of illegally imported meat found from August to November
Taiwan News
Date: 2018/11/20
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

African swine fever was found in two packs of meat brought in by travelers from China in October and November. (By Central News Agency)
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Tests have turned up traces of the African swine fever virus in two cases of pork imported from China by travelers, the Council of Agriculture announced Tuesday.
The pork was among 1,818 meat items totaling 4,515 kilograms brought illegally into Taiwan by travelers and intercepted between August 1 and November 11, the Central News Agency reported.
The total included 238 cases or 389 kilograms imported by way of the shipping links between the Chinese province of Fujian and the Taiwanese-held islands of Kinmen and Matsu, customs officials said.
The recent “Singles Day” November 11 online shopping bonanza also revealed 41 cases of pork products being smuggled in by mail or delivery service.