Taiwan is following up the establishment of an Electronic Warfare Command with legislation that will demand tighter security measures from private enterprise.
The News Lens
Date: 2018/05/15
By: Timothy Ferry, Taiwan Business TOPICS Magazine
Declaring that “information security is national security,” President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文)
administration has made considerable progress fulfilling promises to beef up Taiwan’s cybersecurity defenses as well as to spur development of the home-grown cybersecurity sector.
A Department of Cybersecurity was established in 2016 as an official unit under the Executive Yuan, upgraded from its previous incarnation as a taskforce. Consolidating the cabinet’s cybersecurity policies and practices, the department oversees an extensive range of programs and taskforces, including the National Information and Communication Security Taskforce, the Cyberspace Protection System, and the Critical Infrastructure Protection System, among others.
Headed by Director-General Howard Hong-wei Jyan (簡宏偉), the department has joined with the National Communications Commission and Financial Supervisory Commission in forming the Information Sharing Center for coordinating information about cybersecurity, including possible breaches. The department also audits government websites and networks for compliance with cybersecurity directives, tests for possible breaches, and runs training sessions and cyber-defense drills. Its training on how to deal with bogus “phishing” emails and texts have succeeded in dramatically lowering the rate of network malware infection from such communications. [FULL STORY]