Taiwan holds live fire drill along southeastern coast

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2019/07/29
By: Tyson Lu and Chung Yu-chen

CNA file photo

Taipei, July 29 (CNA) The military-affiliated National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) on Monday conducted a live-fire drill at its coastal base in Pingtung County, following a missile test at the same location last week, according to the defense ministry.

During the one-day drill, projectiles were expected to be fired over a range of 250 kilometers from the Jiupeng military base to waters off eastern Taiwan, at an "unlimited"6 altitude, said Ministry of National Defense spokesman Shih Shun-wen (史順文).

According to sources involved the drill, it is similar to the live fire exercises conducted at the base during the annual Han Kuang live-fire exercises, the country's major military drill.

Last year, the Han Kuang exercise at the Jiupeng base involved precision weaponry that was mainly medium- and long-range missiles, including Sky Bow I and II anti-ballistic missiles and Hsiung Feng III missiles.    [FULL  STORY]

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