Taiwan hospitals team up to tap into SE Asia health care market

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/06/25
By: Liao Yu-yang and Evelyn Kao

Taipei, June 25 (CNA) Seventeen large hospitals in Taiwan formally launched an

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association Monday to jointly explore the health care market in countries targeted by the government’s New Southbound Policy.

The association, which includes National Taiwan University Hospital, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and Mackay Memorial Hospital, came into being at a ceremony in Taipei.

The initiative revolves around the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s “one center, one country plan,” according to Shih Chung-liang (石崇良), the head of the ministry’s Department of Medical Affairs.

Under the plan unveiled earlier this month, six Taiwanese medical centers or large hospitals have been chosen to set up partnerships with India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand and help build medical exchanges with them.

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