Taiwan government increases international drug cooperation in response to rise of drug-related cases in Taiwan’s courts
Taiwan News
Date: 2018/10/10
By: Scott Morgan, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – In response to an increase in drug-related cases in Taiwan’s courts, as well as the changing nature of Taiwanese criminals relationship with international crime syndicates, the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau (法務部調查局) has ramped up international cooperation, reported CNA.
The investigation bureau recently published its 2017 annual report, which says that Taiwan has seen an increase in Taiwanese involvement in international drug trafficking, and the expansion of international cooperation to fight this has become a main priority.
The report observes that Taiwanese drug crime is in a period of transition and internationalization. During this period, the style and route of drug importation has also changed away from traditional avenues.
Taiwanese criminals previously smuggled drugs for profit, but the report suggests that Taiwan’s participation in international drug shipping has expanding, making use of the island’s shipping and fishery industries. In this regard, the report suggests that Taiwanese criminals play an important role in drug transport across Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. [FULL STORY]