Taiwan issues travel alert for Philippines over dengue

Over 400 people in Southeast Asian nation killed by dengue infection this year

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/07/27
By: Teng Pei-ju, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Dengue mosquito. (Photo by flickr user Oregon State University)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan issued a travel alert on Friday (July 26) for the Philippines due to the escalation of dengue fever in the Southeast Asian nation.

According to data from Philippine authorities, 456 people have been killed by the disease so far this year. More than 106,000 dengue cases were reported by the end of June, up 85 percent compared to the previous year.

Taiwan’s Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA) on Friday issued a caution notice for Taiwanese citizens inhabiting and traveling to the Philippines. Precautions should be taken to prevent dengue infections, especially after the rain, BOCA said.

In addition, BOCA asked people to be cautious about their safety, citing a series of church attacks that have taken place in recent months in Mindanao, Sulu, and Jolo. The attacks were possibly perpetrated by the Islamic State.    [FULL  STORY]

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