Taiwan may report export drop for 17th consecutive month

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/07/03
By: Tsai Yi-yu and Evelyn Kao

Taipei, July 3 (CNA) Taiwan is expected to report a year-on-year fall in exports in June for the 201607030012t000117th consecutive month, a stretch of negative growth even longer than the 14 months seen during the global financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, a Ministry of Finance official said Sunday.

Despite the longest stretch of contraction in history, the decline in June is likely to narrow, according to the official who declined to be identified.

Exports in May totaled US$23.54 billion, down 9.6 percent year-on-year due to a high comparison base for the same month of last year, official data shows.

Saying that the worst time for Taiwan’s exports has passed, the official predicted that exports have a chance to see a turnaround in September owing to a low comparison base for the same month of last year and current signs of a rebound in semiconductor exports.     [FULL  STORY]

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