Taiwan may trail South Korea without AIIB entry, says economist

Want China Times
Date: 2015-04-02

Taiwan may fall behind its rival South Korea in trade development if it fails to join multinational

Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council minister Andrew Hsia, left, and finance minister Chang Sheng-ford during a press conference held to announce Taiwan's application to join the AIIB, April 1. (Photo/CNS)

Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council minister Andrew Hsia, left, and finance minister Chang Sheng-ford during a press conference held to announce Taiwan’s application to join the AIIB, April 1. (Photo/CNS)

organizations such as the proposed China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a local economist said Wednesday.

Wu Chung-shu, president of the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, advised that Taiwan participate more actively in regional economic integration to expand its foreign trade opportunities.

Taiwan needs to become more open in its trade and economic development otherwise it may lag behind South Korea, Wu said, addressing public concerns over China’s influential role in Taiwan’s bid to join the AIIB.     [FULL  STORY]

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