Taiwan News
Date: 2017/02/21
By: Sophia Yang, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Japan has been the top trading partner for Taiwan in terms of
food products and the main buyer for Taiwan’s high-end agricultural produce. To expand the market, five branded meat product manufacturers will participate in Foodex Japan, Asia’s largest food and beverage trade show, this year from March 7 to 10.
Taiwan’ Bureau of Foreign Trade and Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) are jointly organizing a team of exhibitors to fly to Japan to take part in the extravaganza. This year, Yu-ho Foods (羽禾食品), Sings Kout(信功), Kindly(廣大利), Hornliang(浤良) and Hsin Li Hsiang Food Co., Ltd.(新力香) are jumping on the bandwagon to showcase their most popular livestock and poultry food products at the Taiwan Pavilion area at the invitation of National Animal Industry Foundation (NAIF).
The Taiwan Pavilion will be sitting at the fifth exhibition of Makuhari Messe, Chiba, with 123 Taiwanese food and beverage companies to showcase Taiwanese fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits, tea, candies, cookies, pastries, canned foods, dried fruits, liquor, beverages, fermented foods, frozen foods, fish and meats. The pavilion will also feature room-temperature eggs, bacon, hot dogs, braised Dongpo Pork, and processed meat and egg products including salty eggs and century eggs. [FULL STORY]