Taiwan Must Own its Global Leadership in Recycling

Taiwan is second only to Germany when it comes to recycling, but the country and its ambassadors are too humble when it comes to marketing leadership in the sector.

The News Lens
Date: 2017/10/30 
By: Mark Stocker

A concerted effort by the government and private enterprises to market Taiwan’s green achievements abroad would not only benefit the nation’s image, it would also create more business opportunities for Taiwan’s brands, products and services.

When one is asked to identify the nations that lead the world in the greening of their economies, countries such as Germany tend to spring to mind for most of us. In fact, it is generally the nations of Western Europe and Scandinavia that are recognized as de facto leaders in recycling, sustainability, and green industry. Unbeknownst to many, however, Taiwan has quietly surpassed a majority of these countries in its rates of recycling, putting the island nation in the top three of most global benchmarks.

You might be skeptical, and if you are I don’t blame you. For all that Taiwan is achieving in the greening of its economy, the island does not have much of a reputation for green leadership. The truth is that many still associate Taiwan with a dirty past. A time when economic performance took precedent over environmental protection. Unfortunately for Taiwan, the nation’s reputation remains stuck in this past, due in part to Taiwan’s lack of assertiveness in marketing its recent achievements.    [FULL  STORY]

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