Taiwan office in Vietnam moves to new address

Vietnam guarantees safety of Taiwanese residents amid anti-China protests

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/06/23
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Taiwan’s representative office in the Vietnamese capital

Taiwan’s office in Hanoi has moved into new quarters. (By Central News Agency)

Hanoi has moved into a new and larger home, reports said Saturday.

Improving relations between the two countries has become a priority under President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) New Southbound Policy. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Vietnam, as the center is officially called, opened its doors in 1992.

On Saturday, representative Richard Shih (石瑞琦) hosted a reception at the new location on the 21st floor of the PVI Building, a gleaming glass office tower in the Vietnamese capital.

Taiwanese residents of the communist country, including Taiwanese investors and business people, were present at the event, where “zongzi” and pearl milk tea were on the menu, the Central News Agency reported.

The office had been maintaining close contacts both with the Vietnamese authorities and with Taiwanese business people amid repeated protests directed against China, Shih said. The demonstrations targeted a new law on special economic zones, which many Vietnamese fear will unfairly favor Chinese interests.    [FULL  STORY]

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