Cabinet is unveiling plans to counter the trend
Taiwan News
Date: 2018/05/15
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – If present trends continue, Taiwan’s population will shrink by 20
percent from its current level of 23 million to 18 million in 2061, the government said Tuesday.
The Cabinet-level National Development Council (NDC, 國發會) predicts that negative population growth will start in 2025 after reaching a record high of 23.74 million the previous year, leading the government to unveil plans Tuesday and Wednesday to boost the number of births and attract more foreign workers.
The regular NDC population report predicts that in 2061, Taiwan will count 18.37 million residents, or only 78 percent of the population for 2016.
A dramatic drop in the birthrate will lead to the number of births falling by half by 2061, with the school population continuing to drop over the next 20 years while the workforce will grow significantly older, Yahoo! reported. [FULL STORY]