Taiwan president calls for democracy in China on Tiananmen anniversary

Channel News Asia
Date: June 04, 2018

TAIPEI: Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen called on China to “face up” to the Tiananmen

Tsai Ing-wen’s comments on the Tiananmen Square crackdown in 1989 are likely to incense Beijing. (Photo: AFP/Sam Yeh)

Square incident on the 29th anniversary of the tragedy, saying the island’s democratisation is an example of how to move forward from an authoritarian past.

In comments likely to incense Beijing, Tsai called on the government to acknowledge what happened in a message written on her official Facebook page.

“I sincerely believe that if Beijing can face up to the incident and acknowledge state violence in this event, then the unfortunate history of June 4 will become a cornerstone in China’s advancement towards free democracy,” Tsai wrote.

Almost three decades after the Chinese Communist Party sent tanks to crush demonstrations in the Beijing square on Jun 4, 1989, China still forbids open discussion about it and imposes heavy censorship on words related to the incident.

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