Taiwan records first-ever indigenous case of chikungunya fever

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2019/07/26
By: Chang Ming-hsuan and Elizabeth Hsu

Photo courtesy of New Taipei health authorities

Taipei, July 26 (CNA) A woman living in New Taipei has been diagnosed with chikungunya fever, the first indigenous case in Taiwan's history, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said Friday.

The patient, who is in her 20s, had not traveled abroad before the onset of symptoms that included fever, joint pains, a headache and a rash on July 21, CDC Deputy Director-General Chuang Jen-hsiang (莊人祥) said.

The patient is currently recovering at home where she has isolated herself from others, said Chuang, who noted that so far none of the people who made contact with the woman before she went into isolation have developed any suspicious symptoms.

According to the CDC, the woman lives in a neighborhood where foreign migrant workers gather frequently.    [FULL  STORY]

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