Taiwan News
Date: January 25, 2017
Taiwan was praised as a prime location for filmmaking by acclaimed U.S. film director Martin Scorsese
while speaking about his most recent work “Silence” at a news conference Jan. 20 in Taipei City.
“Silence” was filmed entirely in Taiwan with the assistance of local governments, notably the Taichung City Government, whose Information Bureau provided considerable support to the film crew. On Jan. 24, the movie was nominated for an Academy Award in the cinematography category.
“[The film] was brought to fruition here in this extraordinary country,” the director said. “This is something that has been a dream of mine for so many years. I hope it will be received as a gift to Taiwan and the Taiwanese people who made this possible.”
Scorsese added that in the future he would like the opportunity to make a movie set against the backdrop of modern Taiwan cities like Taipei and the central municipality of Taichung. [FULL STORY]