Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/12/01
By: Tony Liao and Evelyn Kao
Washington, Nov. 30 (CNA) Taiwan and its friends in the United States should help the new U.S.
administration improve its knowledge of Taiwan’s geo-strategic importance to any U.S. policy toward Asia and exercise greater care in enunciating the U.S. position toward Taiwan, former American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Director William Stanton said in an article published Wednesday.
In the article titled “What Should U.S. Policy Toward Taiwan Be Under the Trump Administration?” Stanton said that Taiwan should take advantage of the election of Donald Trump, who he called a new and very unorthodox U.S. president, to help the U.S. bring change to its policy toward Taiwan.
Stanton said in the article, published by the Washington-based Taiwan-affairs think tank Global Taiwan Institute (GTI), that what troubles him most is Trump’s lack of attention to Asia, while his candidates for national security advisor and Central Intelligence Agency director appear to have no experience or interest in Asia. This continues the long tradition of U.S. presidents whose appointed foreign policy officials knew nothing about Asia, China, or Taiwan. {FULL STORY]