Taiwan struggling to deal with influx of Hong Kong protesters seeking refuge

South China Morning Post
Date: 20 Jul, 2019
By: Mimi Lau  

It will be difficult to verify the recent arrivals’ claims to have taken part in the Hong Kong protests. Photo: Antony Dickson

It will be difficult to verify the recent arrivals’ claims to have taken part in the Hong Kong protests. Photo: Antony Dickson

Taiwan is struggling to handle the sudden arrival of dozens of extradition bill protesters from Hong Kong who want to seek refuge on the self-ruled island.

Although members of Taiwanese civil society have already offered safe houses for the new arrivals, their status remains unclear since the protesters have not yet been charged with criminal offences in Hong Kong and verifying their claims to have taken part in the mass protests will be tricky.

Legal analysts also warned that the situation would be further complicated by Taiwan’s lack of clear and specific laws on handling asylum and refugee claims.  Although President Tsai Ing-wen said on Thursday

 that Taiwan would “handle their cases in appropriate ways” and on “humanitarian grounds”, the government has yet to indicate if it would offer refuge to the protesters.    [FULL  STORY]

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