Taiwan student denies threatening Hong Kong trade office

Sending ghost money and bloody clothes was just a friendly warning: Lin

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/08/10
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

The student who sent ghost money to the Hong Kong office explained his case to police Saturday

The student who sent ghost money to the Hong Kong office explained his case to police Saturday August 10.
The student who sent ghost money to the Hong Kong office explained his case to police Saturday August 10. (By Central News Agency)

August 10. (By Central News Agency)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – A student who sent “ghost money” and bloody clothes to the Hong Kong trade office told police Saturday (August 10) that he had not meant to threaten staff, only to issue a friendly reminder.

The items he sent are often associated with death, leading the representative office to alert police after it received the package, the Central News Agency reported.

The student at Providence University in Taichung, surnamed Lin (林), told police in Taipei Saturday that the fact he had signed his name on the item showed he bore no ill will. He denied the package amounted to a threat, but said he had wanted to alert the office to the fact that many social activists had become excited over the anti-extradition bill protests in Hong Kong so the office could become a target.

Lin described the content of his package as purely symbolic, since the items were just props which could not endanger or harm anyone. “I am a person wanting to show my goodwill but I have been bitten by a dog,” the China Times quoted Lin as saying.    [FULL  STORY]

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