Taiwan to invest in non-diplomatic allies: MOFA

FAIR PLAY: The nation would not engage in ‘malicious’ diplomatic tactics to counter China’s aggressive moves in a show of its commitment to the region, the ministry said

Taipei Times
Date: May 28, 2018
By: Peng Wan-hsin  /  Staff reporter

The nation aims to solidify and deepen bilateral and multilateral relations with countries that are close to Taiwan in values, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) says in a report to be presented at the Legislative Yuan today.

The nation will press on with the implementation of the New Southbound Policy, which aims to increase interactions with ASEAN members, South Asia, and New Zealand and Australia, as well as participation in regional economic organizations, the ministry said.

Today’s legislative briefing is the first since the nation severed diplomatic ties with Burkina Faso on Thursday. Taiwan has since 2016 terminated diplomatic relations with Sao Tome and Principe, Panama and Dominican Republic as they switched recognition to Beijing, leaving Taiwan with only 18 allies.

Taiwan’s remaining allies are under constant pressure from “the China factor” and other interferences, the report said, adding that many politicians in these countries entertain “unrealistic fantasies” about or expectations of China, increasing pressure on Taiwan’s diplomacy.    [FULL  STORY]

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