Taiwan twins caught swapping identities at school

Twin brothers disciplined after impersonating each other at their respective high schoolsTaiwan News
Date: 2020/01/03
By: Ching-Tse Cheng, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Twin brothers swap identities at Jianguo High School and Song Shan High School.  (CNA photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A pair of Taiwanese twin brothers decided to switch identities and attend classes as the other person last December, but the two were disciplined after their stunt was revealed by classmates.

The twin brothers shared their unique experience on the social media platform Meteor, saying that the prank was fun but came at a price. According to the post, the Taiwanese twins launched the experiment by swapping their uniforms from Jianguo High School and Song Shan High School, pretending to be each other for a day.

One of the twins got lost on the Jianguo High School campus, had to call his counterpart for directions, and was immediately recognized by several classmates since he had a different haircut than his brother. The twins also took math and English exams for their duplicates, according to UDN.

The director of Song Shan High School's Academic Affairs Office, Chang Kuang-yuan (張洸源), said that the twins informed the school about their prank after the exams, but due to safety concerns for other students, demerits and warnings were still given. Jianguo High School also confirmed the incident and said that the school had issued verbal warnings to the twins, reported Liberty Times.

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