Taiwan, US to share defense research

PRESTIGE: KMT Legislator Lu Yu-ling said that aside from improving ties with the US, the exchanges could help raise the nation’s position on the international stage

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 17, 2018
By: Lo Tien-pin, Aaron Tu and Sherry Hsiao  /  Staff reporters, with staff writer

Taipei and Washington have signed an agreement to share information on scientific

A Hsiung Feng III (“Brave Wind”) anti-ship missile is displayed at the Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology in Taoyuan on Dec. 29 last year.  Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

research that would allow representatives of Taiwan’s research institutions, including the Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology and the Ministry of National Defense’s Armaments Bureau, to visit national defense research institutions and laboratories in the US next year, an unnamed senior military official said yesterday.

Such US facilities have never been open to Taiwanese researchers, the official said, adding that the deal would greatly benefit Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities, including the domestic production of military vessels and aircraft.

Cooperation with the US is expected to shorten the institute’s development and production time and could provide a breakthrough, as well as reduce the time needed for ongoing enhancement programs for the Tien Kung (“Sky Bow”) surface-to-air missile, the Tien Chien (“Sky Sword”) air-to-air missile and the Hsiung Feng (“Brave Wind”) anti-ship missile systems, the source said.    [FULL  STORY]

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