Taiwan weather bureau plans heat warning system amid rising temperatures

Taiwan News  
Date: 2018/05/29
By:  Central News Agency

The Central Weather Bureau is devising a warning system to reduce the effects of heatwaves. (By Central News Agency)

TAIPEI (CNA) – In the wake of record-breaking weather across Taiwan, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) is devising a heat early warning system so that people can take precautions against heat-related illnesses.

The draft system, to be called the “Heat Advisory,” will be launched in mid-June on the bureau’s official website, its weather app and its Line group for the press, CWB technical specialist Huang Chun-hsi told CNA on Tuesday.

According to the weather bureau, the new advisory system will use yellow, orange and red to indicate different heat levels, with announcements to be made in cities and counties at 5 p.m. one day before the temperature is forecast to rise to potentially hazardous levels.

A yellow light will be indicated when the mercury in a city or county is forecast to rise to 36 degrees Celsius and above the following day, while orange signifies a forecast of three consecutive days of temperatures above 36 degrees, or a high of 38 degrees.

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