Taiwan working to ensure safe return of detained activist: official

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2017/09/09
By: Yeh Su-ping and Kuan-lin Liu

Taipei, Sept. 9 (CNA) The Taiwanese government is doing everything in its power to

Lee Ching-yu (李凈瑜)

ensure the safe return of human rights advocate Lee Ming-che (李明哲), who has been detained in China since March, the Presidential Office said Saturday.

Several government departments have been working tirelessly to protect both Lee and the country’s dignity, Presidential Office spokesman Sidney Lin (林鶴明) told the press as Lee’s wife prepares to depart for China to attend his trial.

The activist’s wife Lee Ching-yu (李凈瑜) told reporters Saturday that she is travelling to China the following day, not to challenge or argue with anyone there, but to see justice done.    [FULL  STORY]

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