Taiwanese court orders police to compensate injured ‘Sunflower Movement’ protesters

Hong Kong Free Press
Date: 1 November 2019
By:  AFP

Police in Taiwan have been ordered by a court to pay compensation to a group of protesters who were injured during clashes in 2014 over a controversial trade pact with China.

Hundreds of people stormed the government’s headquarters five years ago until riot police eventually dislodged them using shields, batons and water cannon.

‘Sunflower Movement,’ Taiwan. Photo: Wikicommons.

More than 100 activists and police officers were injured in the clashes which were part of a period of political protests against then-president Ma Ying-jeou’s Beijing-friendly policies that became known as the “Sunflower Movement”.

On Wednesday a district court in Taipei ruled in favour of 14 protesters who were injured by police while holding a sit-in outside the building.

The court said officers used “excessive” force which led to “serious injuries” as it ordered the police to pay around Tw$1.11 million (US$35,900) in compensation.    [FULL  STORY]

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