Taiwanese military attend conference of US Marines

Taipei Times
Date: May 22, 2015
By: Jason Pan  /  Staff reporter

Minister of National Defense Kao Kuang-chi (高廣圻) yesterday said a Taiwanese military delegation is taking part in a US Marine Corps conference on maritime and amphibious operations in Hawaii this week.

Replying to questions at a meeting of the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee, Kao said the delegation is attending the US Pacific Command Amphibious Leaders Symposium (PALS).

“We always had military exchanges with the US, which have been ongoing and are being maintained steadily,” Kao said.

A military official told reporters that the ministry welcomed the invitation to join the three-day event and sees the nation’s participation as a positive development, enhancing the relationship between Taiwanese and US military forces.     [FULL  STORY]

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