Taiwan’s 2025 Energy Goals Demand an ‘Energy ‘Czar’

Taiwan’s desire to abandon nuclear and cultivate renewables demands a dedicated body, according to AmCham Taipei.

The News Lens
Date: 2018/06/19
By: Ben Parker

Photo Credit: Reuters / TPG

In the energy section of the 2018 Taiwan White Paper recently released by the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, the Chamber’s Energy Committee calls for the appointment of an “energy czar” to oversee the government’s efforts to redirect Taiwan’s electrical power generation away from reliance on nuclear and fossil fuels.

By 2025, according to the goals set by the Taiwan government, the island’s power grid is to be fueled 50 percent by liquefied natural gas (LNG), 30 percent by coal, and 20 percent by renewable resources such as wind and solar.

The Energy Committee recommends that a panel of outside experts be gathered to create a “National Energy Plan,” similar to the Quadrennial Energy Review undertaken by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Committee suggests the panel be responsible for such tasks as:

Assessing the risk of relying so heavily on imported LNG, since factors such as bad weather and military blockades could interfere with incoming shipments.
Ensuring Taiwan has adequate energy reserves in the event of shortages caused by natural fluctuation in the renewable energy sector.
Addressing air pollution concerns resulting from fossil-fuel generated power.

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