Taiwan’s agriculture suffers NT$655 million loss in the aftermath of massive water deluge    

Chiayi County and fisheries industry have endured the heaviest impact in the aftermath of the flooding in southern Taiwan 

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/08/28
By: Alicia Nguyen, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Taiwan’s Agriculture

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The estimate for total agricultural losses caused by the massive deluge in southern Taiwan has been updated to NT$655.5 million (US$ 21.3 million), with Chiayi County and  the fishery industry bearing the most serious losses, according to Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture (COA).

On Aug. 28, the COA said that the agricultural losses in Chiayi County ranked at the top with an estimated NT$432.2 million (US$14 million), accounting for 66 percent of the total loss. Meanwhile, Tainan City, Yunlin County, Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County suffered economic losses of NT$142 million (22%), NT$37.58 million (6%), NT$33.75 million (5%), and NT$6.75 million (1%), respectively.

Regarding the agriculture industry, fisheries suffered damage estimated at NT$330.7 million, followed by livestock (NT$194.1 million), and farming (NT$124.7 million), the reports said.

Additionally, cities and countries suffering economic damage will receive cash relief and low-interest loans from the government, according to the report.     [FULL  STORY]

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