Taiwan’s Paiwan craftswoman revitalizes tribal bead arts at Pingtung studio

Promoting the beauty of Paiwan culture through creativity and innovation,  gives Remereman a great sense of satisfaction.
Taiwan News
Date: 2018/06/01
By:  Agencies

Paiwan artisan Taruzaljum Remereman promotes traditional tribal arts and crafts at her studio in Sandimen Township of southern Taiwan’s Pingtung County. (Staff photo/Chin Hung-hao)

Nestled in the mountains of southern Taiwan’s Pingtung County is the picturesque township of Sandimen. Populated largely by members of the indigenous Paiwan tribe, the community is a popular destination for visitors from home and abroad on the strength of its thriving arts and crafts scene and distinctive aboriginal heritage.

One cultural and creative establishment regularly filled to the rafters with tourists is Dragonfly Beads Arts Studio. Established 35 years ago by Taruzaljum Remereman, a 62-year-old Paiwan and former teacher, the business shot to fame in 2008 following the release of Taiwan-made romantic drama “Cape No. 7.” The local box office heavyweight champion featured products created by Dragonfly’s full-time artisans, who number around 10 today.

“Bronze knives, ceramic pots and glass beads are considered the three treasures of Paiwan culture,” Remereman said. “Glass beads are particularly cherished as they’re symbols of aristocracy and essential for the rites of passage.”    [FULL  STORY]

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