Taiwan’s status quo is sovereign, independent ROC: DPP member

Want China Times
Date: 2015-04-13

The basis of maintaining Taiwan’s status quo and its relations with China is the

ROC Army cadets at a flag-raising ceremony in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei, Jan. 1. (File photo/Yao Chih-ping)0

ROC Army cadets at a flag-raising ceremony in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei, Jan. 1. (File photo/Yao Chih-ping)

understanding that Taiwan is a sovereign, independent country constitutionally named the Republic of China, Hung Chi-chang, a senior member of Taiwan’s opposition Democratic Progressive Party, said Sunday.

His comment came in the wake of a statement Saturday by DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, the DPP’s presumptive presidential candidate for 2016, who said that the party’s basic principle in handling cross-strait relations is “maintaining the status quo.”

Hung, who previously served as Taiwan’s top negotiator with China, said that maintaining the status quo in cross-strait relations is the consensus among the majority of people in Taiwan. It has also been the foundation for the co-existence of the ROC and the People’s Republic of China over the past 65 years and for the change from two belligerent forces to two separate governments, he said.     [FULL  STORY]

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