Top Taiwan HEIs fail English requirements

The Pie News
Date: Jun 22, 2018 
By: Kerrie Kennedy, ELT, Government, News, under Asia.

Photo: Pexels

Four of Taiwan’s top-ranked public universities are under investigation emerged the proportion of English taught courses in each average just 8% despite large government investments into international programs and the hiring of foreign teachers.

An average of just 8% of courses at each university uses English as the language of instruction

According to a report by the Taipei Times, the National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, National Tsing Hua University and National Chiao Tung University have collectively received investments totalling NT$4 billion (US$133.58 million) from the Ministry of Education.

It revealed an average of just 8% of courses at each university uses English as the language of instruction, meaning the schools are less able to attract international students the report stated.    [FULL  STORY]

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