Tourism Bureau, Google to promote Taiwan through famous vloggers

Want China Times
Date: 2015-10-23

Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau and Google Inc. launched the second phase of a

The winner of last year's video competition. (Photo/CNA)

The winner of last year’s video competition. (Photo/CNA)

global campaign Thursday to encourage travel to Taiwan through famous YouTube vloggers, hoping to borrow their influence in the blogosphere to make the promotion more effective.

The new move follows a one-year partnership in which the two parties asked regular tourists to submit their travel experiences in Taiwan on video for a tourism contest, with the incentive of a round-the-world air ticket for the winner.

Since the Internet plays a major role in decision- making when tourists pick their travel destinations, more investment is needed in that realm, said the bureau’s deputy director-general, Wayne Liu.     [FULL  STORY]

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