The China Post
Date: October 31, 2016
By: Angela Chu
“Traveling — it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller,” said Moroccan
scientist and scholar Ibn Battuta, who was deemed the greatest traveler of premodern times. Leaving his homeland at the age of 21, he traveled from Morocco to as far as India and China, along the way documenting his explorations, which extended for nearly three decades.
Of all our encounters throughout the course of life and all the stories that we come to learn to tell, those that we amass while traveling to exotic locales are without a doubt the most enchanting ones we have to offer. The act of traveling is magical unto itself. The idea of boarding a bus, ship or plane and then setting foot on some land far, far away always makes my stomach churn, but also makes my heart skip with joy — a joy of knowing that from these excursions, we gain so much more than what we imagined would be in store for us. [FULL STORY]