Tsai apologizes over smuggling

FULL RESPONSIBILITY: Demerits were given to security officers found to have been complicit or negligent, with further action to come pending investigation results

Taipei Times
Date: Jul 28, 2019
By: Staff writer, with CNA

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday apologized over a duty-free cigarette smuggling

President Tsai Ing-wen comments in Taipei yesterday on the cigarette smuggling scandal.
Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

scandal that reportedly involved several agencies, and ordered that they fully cooperate with investigations.

Tsai made the remarks at the Presidential Office Building in Taipei after presenting awards to Presidential Hackathon winners.

She also apologized to the foreign affairs officials who prepared and accompanied her on a visit this month to the nation’s Caribbean allies, as the affair has overshadowed the significance of her trip.

In her capacity as president, Tsai apologized that her administration had not detected the longstanding malpractice earlier.    [FULL  STORY]

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