Want China Times
Date: 2015-10-20
By: CNA and Staff Reporter
Two women born in Taiwan but adopted overseas when they were infants
said Monday that they bear no grudge against their biological parents and wish only to let them know that they are happy in their lives.
British police officer Larissa Nightingale shared her experience of trying to find her birth mother in Taiwan over the past few days at a news conference sponsored by the Child Welfare League Foundation.
Nightingale, whose Chinese name is Wang E-po, said that this was her first trip to Taiwan and that she has been impressed by the friendliness of the people.
Nightingale was left in front of a hospital in Xindian in Taipei county (now New Taipei) 29 years ago with a note from her birth mother that she could not raise her because she was too poor. She was later adopted by a British couple. [FULL STORY]