U.S. draft bill calls for troops to join Taiwan’s annual drill

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/06/07
By: Chiang Chin-yeh and Joseph Yeh

Washington, June 6 (CNA) The details of a piece of U.S. legislation released

CNA file photo

Wednesday calls for U.S. troops to participate in Taiwan’s military exercises and vice versa, as part of ongoing efforts by U.S. congressmen to support Taiwan amid what they see as a rising military threat from Beijing.

The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on May 24 passed the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2019, which includes several provisions to help strengthen Taiwan’s military capability.

Section 1243 of the act reiterates the decades-long U.S. stance that the Taiwan Relations Act and the “Six Assurances” are both cornerstones of Taiwan-U.S. relations.

Under these cornerstones, the U.S. should “strengthen defense and security cooperation with Taiwan to support the development of capable, ready, and modern defense forces necessary for Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability,” according to the bill.    [FULL  STORY]

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